RESOLUTION #1: I’m going to wake up every single morning and find at least one thing to be thankful for, and focus on that particular thing.
RESOLUTION #2: I’m going to lose the weight I’ve discussed time and time again. One of my fellow bloggers named Val has two separate blogs she authors. One of which is Be sure to check out her online progress. Her journey’s such an inspiration to all of us who battle our own weight issues. Kudos, Val, and keep up the great work! You look terrific…and I must say I’m growing insanely jealous (LOL) Just kidding ya, Val! =-).
RESOLUTION #3: I’ll never fail to let others know just how much I appreciate them, especially all my fellow bloggers out there who show the world every day that it may change, but they never will. I’m honored to be among you all in the World of Blog. You’ll never know how much a certain gentleman from East Tennessee became inspired by each and every one of you, and I‘m still inspired and constantly in awe by all your wonderful talents that make the world a much better place.
RESOLUTION #4: I’m going to stop worrying about things I cannot change, and try to focus on living instead of existing. Just because we breathe doesn’t mean we’re really living.
RESOLUTION #5: I’m going to start living true to my beliefs and love everyone regardless of differences. Many people believe in God, but where’s the compassion and love? If you can't love everyone without conditions the way we're supposed to, then what's the point in believing in God unless we live by His example? That example is loving and caring for others as we would ourselves. After all: isn't that what the real meaning behind this past holiday's all about?
RESOLUTION #6: I’m going to find a craft-related hobby on days when my career becomes my life. Hey…It can easily happen.
RESOLUTION #7: I’ll never fail to say “I love you” more. You never know when it might be the last words someone else hears.
RESOLUTION #8: I’m going to find a reason to laugh once a day. It helps to balance everything out.
RESOLUTION #9: I’m going to stop talking about living out life-long goals and just do them.
AND RESOLUTION #10: I‘m gonna wake up every morning thankful that I may not be where I want to be when it comes to certain areas of my life, but that only the best is yet to come.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I know Christmas is over, but I have to share this little wonder of the world with you.
Right on the Tennessee-Georgia State Line on Highway 411, sits a place where there are blow molds as far as the eye can see--no joke! On my way to visit family and friends Christmas Day, I saw this little place (I'm not sure if it's a business or someone's residence). There were so many blow molds; even one of the Christmas Star. I'd say there were anywhere between 30 to 40 blow molds, as far as I knew.
Needless to say, "eye catching" would be far from an appropriate fitting term to call this place. "BLOW MOLD HEAVEN" is more like it.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
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Taken at a beach in Florida back in 2008. |
Christmas is officially over and I must say it's bittersweet.
I loved visiting with everyone on Christmas: nice visits with friends, and memorable celebrations with family; but I'm somewhat glad the craziness of the holiday is over. However, it's always the same: I take the Christmas tree down on New Year's Day, stare at a barren hole where the tree once stood, and think about how the yuletide hype is mysteriously gone.
Everytime you turn around, it just seems like it's always "out with the old" just when you're getting used to everything being a certain way. BUT...however, my dear friends. There is a solution to the woe of a change such as this one.
We do have wonderful things to look forward to. Within the next few months to come, we'll have warm, sandy beaches and the sounds of children's laughter carrying in the Spring air. We'll have the lukewarm perfection of weather that's just the right temperature, and the glory of sipping tall glasses of iced tea on screened-in porches in our favorite porch swings and wooden rocking chairs.
When you think about all that awaits us, the barren isn't really barren after all.
Friday, December 24, 2010
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along the unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along the unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
Till ringing, singing on its way
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
And in despair I bowed my head
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,
“For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.”
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,
“For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.”
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on earth, good will to men.”
“God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on earth, good will to men.”
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
As I said in my previous blog: During the mini ice storm, the electricity was out for a whopping twelve hours. When the electricity you so heavily depend upon goes out, you have to do something to pass the time. So, I decided to resurrect one of my favorite childhood projects I hadn't done since I was a child: make paper snowflakes.
My mom taught me this special craft, and I used to love making these even if it wasn't Christmas. If you've never done this before or have simply forgotten how to make these, it's really easy to do. All you'll need is a sheet of paper (any color you wish) and a pair of scissors.
It goes a little like this:
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Fold one sheet of paper into fourths and then fold it into a triangle. |
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Cut off the excess strip. |
Friday, December 17, 2010
A few days ago, the weatherman said it was going to ice over, then change over to rain and melt everything away. Instead, this is what I woke up to: a pure blanket of ice. The ice covered everything, and, unfortunately, power was out for a total of twelve grueling hours, because one tree took out five electrical poles. That's right: FIVE...OUCH!
The bad thing was the cold. The good thing was it wasn't cold enough to freeze you to death. When there's no electricity, boredom tends to set in. What did my household do? In my next blog entry, I'll reintroduce you to an old-time Christmas favorite.
What is it? Stay tuned and find out!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Yesterday afternoon, I had the distinct privilege of witnessing this majestic sight: the mountains proudly donning all of winter's glory. I could say more, but I think an image like this simply speaks for itself. Am I right?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Last night, an awesome snowfall made its presence known. It was very nice waking up and witnessing a winter wonderland display outside. Of course, It was so serene and beautiful that I had to take pictures and make a video of it. And, of course, the babies insisted they were going to play out in the snow today.
Hey...they're the babies. How can I say "no"? But, then again, I didn't mind. Four-legged or not, you're only young once!
Hey...they're the babies. How can I say "no"? But, then again, I didn't mind. Four-legged or not, you're only young once!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
I was at the store the other day and witnessed something strange. Wait: I take that back. I wouldn't necessarily call it "strange". It's more like ironic. By the way, before I begin, I know the above picture might've not appropriately fit the story. It is, however, a picture I took inside the same store on the same day the following event took place.
Last Saturday, the stores were packed. I've already got my Christmas shopping done and naively assumed everyone else had as well. When I arrived on the premises, I was in for a rude awakening.
A big snow was coming, and I was there to get "the necessities": milk, eggs, bread, etc. The lines were LONG! Everyone was elbow to elbow getting that final thing on their shopping list. Then, out of the blue, came a woman who appeared rather different in a very festive way. She donned a Santa hat and greeted onlookers and passersby with a joyful, "Merry Christmas." She didn't work for the store. She did it at her own free will.
What's bizarre is everyone looked at her as though she was, if I can be so blunt, "one french fry short of a Happy Meal." (LOL). Most of the Christmas shoppers treated the merry-hearted soul like someone who was more of a pest rather than someone wanting to spread a little Christmas spirit. Despite the snarls and grunts, the woman didn't care. She continued with her boisterous holiday greetings and well wishes for the New Year.
The grumblers and grunters finally got their last trinkets off the store shelves, paid for their items, and drove off just to complain about the heaviness of holiday traffic. Then again, why should Christmas be any different? These same "humbugs" will continue complaining. They'll complain if they didn't buy the right size clothing and the receipt was accidentally discarded. They'll gripe next month when they open their Visa bill and see a total that'll barely cover their regular bills because they've spent more than they knew they had.
It'll never cease. I know. I used to be a humbug myself!
They'll complain, but deep down, they'll have only one wish; a wish buried deep within some deep, shallow grave they've dug for themselves. Now, you might ask, "What's the wish?" They'll wish they could be just like the woman they shunned who cheered tidings of great joy.
For one moment her life will seem more important than theirs, and they'll wish they could be just like her: A little drummer girl marching to the ongoing beat of her own drum, showing the world it may change but she never will.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Favorite Things Household was at the store last week and purchased, in my opinion, THE best popcorn I've eaten in a very long time.
Being the Christmas season, we were in the popcorn mood and decided to buy a box or two. We purchased Movie Theatre Butter and Kettle Corn flavors, but then we had to get a flavor to quench the perils of the sweet tooth. And then we got this. I took it out of the wrapper, prepared it accordingly to the directions, and the results were nothing short and simply put: heavenly goodness in a bowl.
Orville Redenbacher's Caramel Popcorn is so good it should come with a warning label attached to the box that reads, "ATTENTION: THIS POPCORN IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE AND WILL CAUSE YOU TO GO OFF YOUR DIET BIGTIME!" LOL. I'm not kidding, folks. It's that ooey-gooey good!
If you need a quick stocking stuffer for that co-worker, fellow church or temple member, next-door neighbor across the street, or anyone in your life who's been so helpful this year, but you don't want to spend a lot of money; put a box of this in their stocking and I can promise you the response will be overwhelming, and the simple gesture of yuletide cheer will be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
When the sun goes down and the darkness settles in, there's a place in the Smokies that lights up brighter than anywhere else in the area.
Christmas & Collectibles is a little Christmas store that's opened all year round. It can be the dead of Summer and the lights are proudly displayed. Our plans fell through going to another Christmas light show a few nights ago, but that didn't stop me from getting some awesome light shots.
And in case you're wondering, this was just a portion of the lighted Christmas wonders they had on display in their parking lot alone.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
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At exactly 6:30 this morning, our family welcomed a new addition--and just in time for Christmas, too!
Allow me to introduce my niece, Riley Ruthanne Ranta. She weighed 5 pounds and 12 ounces, and is cute as a button. I call her "Santa Baby" due to Christmas being only a few weeks away. Now, perhaps I'm biased, but everyone who welcomes a newborn into the fold has every right to boast and brag. It's purely part of tradition.
As I was walking through the foyer of the hospital, I couldn't help but think about the comings and goings of my family. I couldn't help but think about little Riley and how much life's she's got and, at the same time, how none of us are promised our next breath.
It's times like these that teach me to never take life for granted, and to savor every sweet moment and to learn from every heart-wrenching tribulation. It's all part of the overall scheme of things. But for now, dear Riley, stay little. Dance clumsily at the age of two, and play dress-up at the age of seven. Try out for cheer leading as a teenager, and find your true love as a young adult. Experience everything life has to offer, dear heart.
But until then, just coo and laugh, and simply be our Santa Baby.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
One evening in December, the sun sat behind the pink and gray clouded hues to rest its weary self. It rested behind a small white house. It rested, and sat until the close of yet another day.
Such a sight in the sky's impressive, indeed! In fact, I can't help but wonder if the deep, fiery hues in this particular sky's caused by Rudolph's nose illuminating the Eastern hemisphere. Perhaps, it was nature itself that decided to put on a light show. Or maybe just for one split moment in time Christmastime had actually formed a surprise alliance with Halloween, due to its somewhat eerie appearance.
The world may never know. Then again, maybe we're not supposed to know or wonder. When we spend more time wondering why things are rather than enjoying them for what they are in the now, then we are doing nothing more than, as Richard Paul Evans said in THE CHRISTMAS BOX, "trading diamonds for stones."
Friday, December 3, 2010
I wanted to share with everyone pictures of our Christmas tree and other "Christmasy" trimmings.
Every Christmas, we always mix our tree decorations up. This year, we unanimously decided to do an O Holy Night-type theme. At the local Christmas store, we found some ceramic Virgin with Child ornaments, along with a sterling-colored angel flying underneath a tree-topper star, as well as sapphire blue ribbon with silver stars.
Then, as things appear serious and solemn, the kid in me always comes out. One requirement I've got for a Christmas tree is some sort of anamatronic ornament that possesses the quality of something you'd buy for a kid. This year, I chose a Mickey Mouse hat and ears from my favorite Disney movie FANTASIA. When you press the button, it plays THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE theme song, and the hat's moon and stars merrily light up to the music.
The previous day might be rough at times, with jobs, carpooling kids here and there, and other stresses of the day. After all, that's just how life can be. But when night comes, the tree's brightly lit, and the "babies" are snuggled tightly with me on the couch. In one precious moment of tranquility, wild geese fly with the moon on their wings and everything suddenly seems right with the world.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Early yesterday morning, I indulged my caffeine fix to kick off yet another day when, low and behold, I witnessed little drops of Heaven beginning to lightly cover all my outside surroundings.
It was everywhere: on banisters, in my flower bed, and even on top of my car's windshield. Even the little gnome who lives in my flower bed had snow on his rooftop, too. It put me in the mood to fire up a steaming cup of cocoa, wrap Christmas presents, and watch a marathon of Christmas movies all day long in my favorite PJ's.
The snow didn't accumulate much, but even the lightest dusting goes a very long way. And I must say, dear friends, I was both blessed and honored I got the chance to experience Mother Nature once again work wonders with my very own eyes.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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Click on the image strip above for larger image. |
Yes! Officially, 'tis the season! We've traded the turkey and trimmings for bright, red ribbons and boughs of holly. Some radio stations have officially begun their "all Christmas, all the time" schedule. This reminds me of another favorite thing of mine: Christmas music.
There have been so many versions of different Christmas songs that it all sounds the same...well...almost. So, without further adieu, I'd like to share with you twenty-five of my favorite all-time Christmas songs. They're listed in no particular order...
#1...SANTA BABY (Eartha Kitt for the original version; Kellie Pickler for the
updated version)
#2...BABY, IT'S COLD OUTSIDE (I have yet to hear a version I didn't like!)
Kenny Rogers duet)
#5...PLEASE COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS (Aaron Neville--hands down. He can croon!)
#6...JESUS, WHAT A WONDERFUL CHILD (Kelly Clarkson & Fantasia Barrino duet)
#10...WHAT CHILD IS THIS? (Mary J. Blige & Andrea Bocelli duet--VERY moving!)
#15...SILENT NIGHT / O HOLY NIGHT (Susan Boyle)
#16...ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU (Vince Vance and the Valiants)
#17...THE CHRISTMAS SONG (Nat King Cole)
#18...MERRY CHRISTMAS, DARLING (The Carpenters)
#19...LAST CHRISTMAS (George Michael and WHAM!--No other tops this version!)
#20...OUR INCOMPARABLE CHRIST (the late Rev. Leonard Dabney)
#21...WHO WOULD IMAGINE A KING? (Whitney Houston)
#22...I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY (Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians)
#23...IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR (The Manhattan Transfer)
And last, but not least, #25...THE "NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CHRISTMAS VACATION"
I know I've forgotten a few more and it was entirely unintentional. Nevertheless, feel free to comment on your all-time favorites and share your thoughts about Christmas Carols and yuletide music.
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