OK, this isn't STRANGER THINGS when I talk about the "upside-down," but I think in a way we can all relate. God knows I could.
The alarm clock rings at 6:20AM. We open our eyes and stagger out of bed. We take a shower, pour our coffee cups full, wear our most appropriate work attire and head out the door.
We go to a job we are not thrilled about and pretend to love it so we can have paychecks. We then take those paycheck
s, spend 7/8 of that paycheck just so we can live to work, while the 1/8 we spend in hopes we can actually have a some sort of life. The day ends with us plopping on the couch, sipping iced tea or wine, and harshly re-examine our lives. Then, we go to bed and do it all again the very next day,
Then and suddenly, somewhere in the quietness of it all, we hear a still small voice crying out to us.
We ignore it at first but then listen, and the more we listen the voice gets louder, and louder...and louder...until we can't shut it off and we heed its beaconed call. We surrender to its siren song, get off the couch and walk toward something unfamiliar.
We begin to fill our front yards full of carved pumpkins, sip hot cocoa, and bake pumpkin pie while not giving a damn how much sugar or butter we use. And then in the midst of it all, our work life becomes what our present used to be: pushed to the side while we finally live. And the best part about this is we don't have to wait until it beacons us. It's there and always have been. We just have to listen and do,
True story. :)
The alarm clock rings at 6:20AM. We open our eyes and stagger out of bed. We take a shower, pour our coffee cups full, wear our most appropriate work attire and head out the door.
s, spend 7/8 of that paycheck just so we can live to work, while the 1/8 we spend in hopes we can actually have a some sort of life. The day ends with us plopping on the couch, sipping iced tea or wine, and harshly re-examine our lives. Then, we go to bed and do it all again the very next day,
Then and suddenly, somewhere in the quietness of it all, we hear a still small voice crying out to us.
We begin to fill our front yards full of carved pumpkins, sip hot cocoa, and bake pumpkin pie while not giving a damn how much sugar or butter we use. And then in the midst of it all, our work life becomes what our present used to be: pushed to the side while we finally live. And the best part about this is we don't have to wait until it beacons us. It's there and always have been. We just have to listen and do,
True story. :)