During the realms of night hangs a gorgeous full moon in the crisp, October sky. The clouds skirt across the spooky atmosphere, creating a festive appearance. Simply stunning. With that being said, this IS a full moon and I can't help but wonder. Is it just my child-like imagination running wild, or is the wind the only thing I hear howling in the distance?
Can't see the moon or hear the howling wolves around here, because it's been pouring rain in sunny California. Was planning to go see some Halloween yard displays last night, but no way, we would have been washed down the storm drains where Pennywise the Clown would have gotten us.
Thanks, Jeanne and Dragonmamma, for the comments! True, Jeanne: ANYTHING could be howling. It was one of those full moon nights where anything could happen. And Dragonmamma: I hope it's clear tonight for you to see them. Hopefully, you can attend a corn maze or haunted ghost walks. Those are always fun.
WENDY: Well, then...comment everyday if you'd like. I can promise you: receiving comments from from all you wonderful fellow bloggers doesn't hurt my feelings not one little bit! =-)
It is October....anything could be howling in the night.....
Can't see the moon or hear the howling wolves around here, because it's been pouring rain in sunny California. Was planning to go see some Halloween yard displays last night, but no way, we would have been washed down the storm drains where Pennywise the Clown would have gotten us.
Thanks, Jeanne and Dragonmamma, for the comments! True, Jeanne: ANYTHING could be howling. It was one of those full moon nights where anything could happen. And Dragonmamma: I hope it's clear tonight for you to see them. Hopefully, you can attend a corn maze or haunted ghost walks. Those are always fun.
And a lovely full moon it was too! But you watch out or the goblins will get ya! ;o)
Oooh....I always get the best captchas when I'm commenting on your blog...ha! Today's is STORM! :o)
WENDY: Well, then...comment everyday if you'd like. I can promise you: receiving comments from from all you wonderful fellow bloggers doesn't hurt my feelings not one little bit! =-)
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