Nestled in this area is a very magical area with a running stream that flows through several ornate rocks and timber. I love to come here, close my eyes, and simple take in the beauty of stillness and do absolutely nothing but bask in the treasure known as nature.
Places like this often remind me of places my cousins and I used to go when we were children: fighting dragons with sword-branches and blowing dandelions to cast spells like wizards. We would get our feet so muddy, but we didn't care. It was all for the greater good of killing ogres and saving princesses.

All this world's grief will be waiting for us tomorrow. So, for now, let's find a good watering hole. Let's kick off our shoes, wade in the water, and zap evil sorcerers with wands we made out of broken sticks. And the best part? We do this until nightfall tells us we get to do it all again tomorrow. :)
The choice is yours and mine.
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