Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Remember yesterday's post? I found these beautiful limes and wondered what I'd do with them. So...PBE took out the juicer, got some sugar, and made some refreshing limeade. Of course, I had the most important job of all: I poured tall glassed filled to the brim with ice. DELISH!

I don't post a lot during the summer months, because I'm more of an autumn person. Still, there's beauty in everything and a good time that always has the potential to be had by all!

Monday, June 25, 2012


A couple days ago, I went to the market and found these wonderful limes! There's nothing better than going to the store and finding refreshing limes. They were so beautiful, I had to buy them. Now...what to do? Limeade, perhaps? Or even better, adding them to iced tea or Diet Coke, perhaps? The possibilites are endless!