Saturday, April 30, 2011


     I love to go on the blog sites of my fellow bloggers, those I follow, and those I just see for the first time. And when I read their blogs, I read EVERYTHING on the page: doo-dads, trinkets, and what-not.    
    One of my fellow bloggers, Halloween Spirit, has a very widget on her site: 
     And let me tell you: THIS SITE IS AWESOME!
     I'm a huge fan of radio shows. Unfortunately, they don't really have those in existence anymore in my area of the world. When I clicked on the link, I was taken to every genre and station you could imagine. And, of course, when I find a new favorite thing, I have to share it with everyone.
     Check it out for yourself! Go to, or click HERE.   

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


     When I was a child, pansies were always my favorite flower. I think it was because they were so easy to plant, not to mention the first flower my aunt taught me to plant. Even today, when I see a select few or a large group gathered in all their glory my breath is still taken away.
      In fact, I loved pansies so much that I gave them their own special name: monkey faces. I'm not sure why I'd give them such an unlikely name. Perhaps it had to do with the inner colors forming the face of a monkey. All I knew was every Spring, I'd ask my mom if we could plant monkey faces and she always agreed.
      And as far as my flower garden was concerned, the rest was history, as monkey faces showed up every year to bid me a warm, Springtime welcome.

Monday, April 25, 2011


     Last Saturday, the 42nd annual Iris Festival in Lymword took place. I'd never been to any sort of themed festival, so this was the perfect opportunity to slip away from the real world and head back to Lymword.
      The picture did not do the decorated town justice. There were iris flowers everywhere. Business windows, personal front yards and even the fountain located downtown was filled with such a gorgeous sight of iris: light purples and deep yellows--every color you could imagine.
      Then, there was the annual contest, where various townspeople enter their potential winning entries. They're certain they'll win but still celebrate their fellow competitors. The winner was a dark red hybrid mixed with a hint of royal purple and a few slight streaks of yellow. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


     First, I would like to apologize for my hiatus. It was both involuntary and well-needed.
     I went on my hiatus for a number of reasons: overworked, overtired, and the fact I felt just plain numb. The first reason's understood, and the second reason justifies the first, but the third reason took me on an unforgettable journey. You know what I mean by "journey"; it's those places we really don't wanna go, but when we finally get there we leave with the most awesome lessons imaginable, leaving us understanding ourselves better than we could've ever dreamed.
   On and off, for the past three weeks, I've been somewhat put it bluntly: pissed, because it just seemed like every belief I stood upon was challenged every single time I turned on the television.
     First, there was Victoria Jackson ranting on national television, and I quote, "Muslims hate God and the gays hate His word." What verse in the Bible backs this statement up? If I recall, didn't Jesus himself visit among those the world considered outcasts; people considered not good enough for His Love via the viewpoint of all the religious leaders?
    Hmm...another jaded wolf in sheep's clothing putting words in God's mouth. Read Hebrews 13:1, Ms. Jackson! You might learn something about what God's Love is really all about. 
    Then, there was the Westboro Baptist Church's rants about how God practically hates American soldiers. It just seemed like the majority of these people who claim to be Christians possess so much hate toward anyone who isn't like them. And what kills me is we live in a country where the high office in the land allows our American soldiers to be treated with such disrespect and malice. IT JUST KILLS ME! (And, by the way: I'm practicing and protected under my First Ammendment Rights to freedom of speech.)
    Then, it was irritating to find out the government was taking a big chunk of what my household makes to take care of people, who refuse to take care of themselves and find it easier to live off our hard-earned tax dollars. Don't get me wrong: if someone needs Federal assistance and are doing the best he or she can, that's a different story. I am glad to help him or her out...BUT... if someone's on Federal assistance because he or she chooses not to work, have oodles of kids to get more money, and there's jobs available to them, THEY ARE WRONG AND ARE STEALING FROM HARD-WORKING AMERICANS!
    I'm sorry, but right is right and wrong is wrong.
    So, I turned off the television and sat in my chair overwhelmed but not only a heartless world, but a group of heartless followers for Christ who are supposed to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth.
     Of course, it didn't stop there. there were even people I knew who were doing wrong and nothing was done about them. UGH! I wanted to throw my television out the window, pack up my household, and move to Gilligan's Island.
     Then, reality finally sat in. I suddenly realized something important. All these people will always do what they wish and be right in their eyes, but they'll never take anything away from me unless I let them. They can't take away any of it. I also realized how much I love my little corner of the world.
     Yes, these are a few of my favorite things no one can take away...

     No one and nothing can steal this away from me, not an organization with their own motives, not someone who's a mere wolf in sheep's clothing--absolutely nothing!
     My world's full of seashells and the anticipation of beach time, flowers and various critters that adorn my flowerbed and where I live, the unconditional love of God, the "babies" and the love of my life, wonderful family and close friends, tall glasses to cool me down during the Summer months, and warm mugs to tuck me in during the Winter months.
     It was an overwhelming few weeks, but if I had it to do all over again, I'd do it all the same and still walk away with the feeling that all might not be right with the real world, but it sure is close enough to perfect in mine.