Sunday, December 17, 2017


Someone asked me what I wanted for Christmas.

Quite honestly, I can't think of a thing. Instead, this is what I want: a traditional Christmas.

I want a Christmas that's beautiful where everyone comes together and the real meaning overshadows commercialism. It was how it was when I was a child. Brightly-wrapped boxes that contained my presents were always great and intriguing, but to me it was the lights, the Saturday Christmas Parades, the church Christmas plays, and the togetherness of family.
So, if you ask, this is what I want for Christmas. I want each and every one of you well, and healthy, and doing well financially. I want us all to love one another and remember that anything is possible. Yes, this is what I want, and quite honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Who wants to join me?

Thursday, December 14, 2017


I have a new favorite winter tradition to share with you awesome guys and gals.

Since it's cold outside, my household every December, and even on into January, is filled with the smell of mulling spices: squeezed oranges, their juices and rinds, dried cranberries, cinnamon sticks, ground cloves, ground pumpkin spice, and ground allspice all soaking in a black pot of boiling-hot water.

How does it smell? Oh, so good!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Christmastime is very special around the Favorite Things House. 

If I'm not getting together last-minute ornaments to put on the tree, my wonderful fiance is decorating everything: from the mantle to our front door. Yes, everything is always done bright and cheerful in sincere yuletide spirit.

There's something about this time of year I always felt was magical. It's like you can't help but wonder what comes to life when every one's gone to bed. I think it's the congregation of yuletide birds that adorn my mantle. If you listen closely while tucked in bed you almost hear them humming a Christmas tune...or perhaps they're resting before they retreat to their nests, or perhaps they're talking about the fierce Winter...or maybe they're discussing where they bought their clothes.

Who knows?

All I know is they look pretty-darn cute and festive on my mantle. Don't you think?

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Today was such a pretty day, and as usual I got caught up in the norm called "life." I think many of you know what I mean by "the norm": paperwork, appointments, errands and all those other goodies that have to be done to live just so we can die when it's all over.

For the past year, life has taught me a lot--both good and bad. The first piece of good news is I'm getting married in October to the love of my life. We've been together ten years. I joked and said my beloved's parents were waiting for my dowry check to clear. Ha! Ha! But nevertheless, I am beyond excited to have my Fall wedding.

Anyway...Something drew me back to my blog, THE FAVORITE THINGS GUY. Each time I come back here, a smile is always brought to my face. I can't help but see posts about Tina the Llama or Halloween or even the fictional town of Lymword I created. It all made me smile.

Therefore, without thought and not know how often I would post ever, I grabbed my camera and went outside in the 60-something degree weather. The beauty of Spring came to my house: all those bright colors and budding blooms in the trees. Yes, Spring is only three weeks away but it's coming.
So, with camera-in-hand I took pictures and got caught up in the love of simplicity; of yellow hues of daffodils and rick greens of lavender lilacs that will arrive in the next few weeks to come. Suddenly, I smiled. Despite a tumultuous political standpoint and all the craziness going on in the world, it's always good to know there's things that are greater than the stress of everyday life, like Springtime, fun in the Summer sand and firefly catching, the beauty of Autumn in all it's "spook"tacular glory, and the chill of Christmas where everyone comes together and remember old memories of those long gone while also creating new ones with the generations to come.

Life is a cycle, dear friends. Instead, I think I'll call this particular cycle a "bicycle" and simply enjoy the ride. I worried at first I wasn't but perhaps I always have. the splendor of it all was simply waiting for me to take my foot off the pavement and simple peddle.