Sunday, October 31, 2010



The ghosts of all things past parade,
Emerging from the mist and shade
That hid them from our gaze,
And, full of song and ringing mirth,
In one glad moment of rebirth,
And again they walk the ways of earth
As in the ancient days.

The beacon light shines on the hill,
The will-o'-wisps the forests fill
With flashes filched from noon;
 And witches on their broomsticks spry
Speed here and yonder in the sky,
And lift their strident voices high
 Unto the Hunter's Moon.

The air resounds with tuneful notes
From myriads of straining throats,
All hailing Folly Queen;
So join the swelling choral throng,
Forget your sorrow and your wrong,
In one glad hour of joyous song
To honor Hallowe'en!

--John Kendrick Bangs

Friday, October 29, 2010


     I was in my local Target store yesterday running a few errands and took a picture with my camera phone of a sight that'll be with us for just a few more days: the Halloween aisle.
    When my sisters and I were kids, one of our favorite things to do was checking out the Halloween decorations as soon as they were displayed. They always possessed this certain aura of mysterious fun and wide-eyed wonder that was unlike any other. Of course, when we were kids, costumes weren't as elaborate as they are today. They were made of a sort of plastic-vinyl material, and the masks were plastic and held to your head via a rubber band. Still, they were wonderful, nonetheless. Do they still make those anymore? If they do, it's been a long time since I've seen one.
    Make a trip this weekend to your local superstore, and bask in the wonder of all things Halloween. They might be gone soon for the season, but they'll come back around before you know it and magically take us back to a simpler place in time.    

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Photos courtesy of Betty Collins. Used by permission. Click on the photos to enlarge the picture strip.

    I was hoping I'd have Jack's little friend ready for display by now, but not yet. I thought I'd wait until Halloween and do the official unveiling.
    Nevertheless, I wanted to share these photos courtesy of our two friends, Bud and Betty. This is their house all dolled up for the Halloween season. Betty told us while she was basking in the sunshine at Myrtle beach, Bud decided to do, as she called it, "God-knows-what to my mannequins." Ha! Ha! 
    And, I must say, the results are ghoulishly spectacular. Don't you think? They've got everything from aliens and a witch, to haunted ghouls and even a member of the band KISS.
    Now, I wonder why we haven't seen much of Gene Simmons lately. Perhaps, he's  helping to offically ring in the Halloween season.  

Monday, October 25, 2010


     As the weather tends to be sometimes, today's consistently rainy, but yesterday was seemingly perfect without contest.
    To simply put it: autumn was everywhere!
    Golden leaves feverishly fell like snowflakes in the breeze, the temperature was 68 degrees, and everything around me was nothing short of wonderful. In fact, one of my neighbors' children raked fresh leaves into piles and jumped in them. In this age we live in where a generation of kids have become so hi tech-dependent, I was somewhat gobsmacked by what I'd witnessed but far from disappointed.
    Also, Jack (it's what I named my jack-o-lantern) appeared as though he was feeling kinda droopy and alone. Nevertheless, I bought him a little friend. In my next blog entry, you'll get to meet him...or her. I haven't quite decided what name or gender it'll be just yet.
    Any ideas?

Saturday, October 23, 2010


     During the realms of night hangs a gorgeous full moon in the crisp, October sky. The clouds skirt across the spooky atmosphere, creating a festive appearance. Simply stunning.
    With that being said, this IS a full moon and I can't help but wonder. Is it just my child-like imagination running wild, or is the wind the only thing I hear howling in the distance? 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


     Pretty neat, huh? 
     P.B.E. found these two precious gems of Halloween at an estate sale, and my mind instantly reeled. I found myself down memory lane and in a very good way. 
     There's a reason I call these two blow molds "gems" and not mere decorations. One of the wonderful things I remember as a child are the big, festive blow molds that stood proudly on front porches and in front of windows. They were my favorite Halloween decorations of my childhood years without contest. These blow molds also served as a beacon for eager trick-or-treaters on Halloween night. The rule in my old neighborhood was always this: the bigger the blow mold a household displayed was always a guarantee for better candy.
    I can't help but think about kids nowadays. As I often did, it's easy to take for granted anything familiar. And why not? Children think everything will keep going just as it is, because that's the beauty of childhood. To them, mommy and daddy will never grow old, and they'll never grow up.
   However, there's one good thing about becoming an adult; one technical loophole nature seemed to have missed. My beard might start showing signs of gray, and God knows I can't run and jump like I used to do. BUT, that doesn't stop me from getting excited over seeing blow molds, children playing in freshly-raked piles of leaves, listening to scary stories around a campfire, and carving pumpkins. The excitement I always felt never stopped, and perhaps it never will. we have to become adults? Always, but do we have to grow up? NEVER!


Monday, October 18, 2010


     Does anyone remember this blast from the past?

     This was so much fun listening to as I grew up. As a child, I was always somewhat of a loner, and my grandmother never allowed my school friends to visit. Therefore, I always depended upon my own creativity for entertainment. 
     It was Halloween, circa 1989-1990ish, and hanging on the rack of a local K-Mart was a horror cassette tape. I was intrigued by the "Parental Discretion Advised" and "not for the faint of heart" labels on the back card. Being someone who always loved Halloween, I purchased this $2.99 tape and took it home.
     I always waited until time for bed and listened to it. As any kid does, I put on my headphones under the covers, turned on my Walkman (for the young "whipper-snappers" of today and the decade impaired, it's a device that played cassette tapes...LOL), and heard the eerie narration play among the scary noises.
    The entire tape starts out with this eerie narrator taking your through a night in a haunted, ancient cemetery and then a spooky tour through an old haunted house. What was really fun is when it would start getting dark outside. I'd take my flashlight and trail through the woods with the eerie sounds blasting through my headphones.
     As childish as it may seem, I still listen to this tape, well...CD, now. It can be the middle of July and 100-degree weather and I'd still listen to it. Hey, God knows I've had my share of critics. They think it might seem childish for me to listen to such things as haunted house CD's and watch movies like "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown," but you want to know something? I really don't care!
     Let the critics laugh. Let the nay-sayers snarl their noses and say, "NAY". They might laugh and taunt us, kindred daydreamers. But in all reality, those same nay-sayers and critics secretly want to be just like us: carefree and forever in our own little worlds where the view's great, the water's fine, and the youthful heart never stops beating. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010


     As many of you have read in one of my previous blogs, I love the Stephen's Gourmet Cocoa brand. It's by far the best cocoa anywhere, in my opinion; and this version has instantly become my favorite apple cider of all time. 
     With the chilliness of autumn hanging heavy in the air, I instantly shift into hot drink mode. It's a mode containing many trips to Starbucks; smooth flavored coffees, lattes and cappuccinos; hot fruit teas and apple ciders; and gourmet cocoas of every kind (of course, I'm by no means forgetting tomato basil soup and/or chili). As luck would have it, P.B.E. gave me the best surprise ever: Stephen's Caramel Apple Cider. 
     I scooped three round tablespoons (it calls for two, but I've gotta have a little extra) and added it to six ounces of hot water steaming in one of my favorite mugs. I sipped it for the first time, and the results are...'s caramel apple heaven in a cup and simply perfect for this time of year.

 (Why not try it for yourself? To order online or to find the store nearest you that sells the Stephens Gourmet Cocoa line of products, go to

Friday, October 15, 2010


     It was an early Friday morning about a week ago. The leaves were beginning to change their color, the fog settled heavy over the Eastern Tennessee region, and a new beauty emerged from a very dark place.
     There were two reasons I took these pictures of the cemetery a few blocks from my house:
     First, the fog settling heavy in the background gave this cemetery a somewhat Autumn-like, festive feeling for this time of year. Keep in mind: I do not, nor do I ever encourage the intentional disrespect of any sacred ground and/or anyone's final resting spot. I have a great deal of respect for all people, whether living or dead.
     And second, it was such a stunning view I'd never noticed before, especially the silken-laced spider's web that hung from a crooked oak tree--two more natural beauties. To me, there's something beautiful, almost breath-taking, about an old cemetery. The rustic tombstones--some at least a century, or possibly almost two centuries old. You simply can't beat it. 
     And the best part: if each sacred stone could talk--my, oh my...what a story they'd tell.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


    One of my favorite things to do around this time of year is catching a glimpse of various outside Halloween decorations. Their eye-catching factors vary, from the basic jack-o-lantern--like I have--to the huge, inflatable creatures that proudly adorn front yards for all eyes to see. But I must say this particular one was indeed a first for my eager eyes.
    It's the entrance sign to a local corn maze. The contents that created this festive creature appear to be three bails of hay, wired tubing and a lot of festive, tender-loving care. 
    All I can say is the folks at Ballinger Farm, who took the time to create this ghoulish masterpiece can be proud, knowing they found a way to make spooky and happy come together in the most creative way possible. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010


     Halloween decor is really awesome, but what's even better is when something is naturally creepy without trying to be, and especially without the "bells and whistles." It is what it is, and nothing artificial is needed. 
     I was at a local park trying to catch a glimpse of the leaves changing color. Luckily, I came across a wonder of nature, and it had nothing to do with leaves. Instead, I saw this tree.
     OOOO! Isn't it creepy?
     A factory that makes Halloween props couldn't concoct this naturally spooky marvel of the season. It's deep angry eyes, snarling nose, and tightly-puckered mouth. All I can say is Mother Nature and her Halloween fixations are at it again!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


     That's right, my fellow bloggers. I own a Halloween shirt, but it's one of my favorite pieces of holiday attire. Of course, how could I deny it? And the best part about this shirt is the skeletal hands glow in the dark. In a small and bizarre way, this little shirt impacted my life.
     Here's how it all began...
     Lowly and dreary on a Wal-Mart self, sat this shirt. People'd look at the shirt, roll their eyes, scoff at it, and threw it mercilessly on top of a pile of other "misfit" shirts. But not me--no sir. I saw something special in this one. Despite what the majority thought, P.B.E. and I gently picked it up from the pile, took it to the cashier, and we purchased it.
     When I wear this shirt in public around Halloween, some people I encounter pay no attention to it, while most stare and shake their heads, as though they're embarrassed for me, or smile and tell me how unique it is. And despite all the reactions, they're all left knowing I don't necessarily follow the "norm."
     And that's okay. Could you imagine how boring life would be if we were all the same, and we did everything everyone else wanted us to do? I've learned in my semi-advanced age that it's okay to be different.
    And when you finally step out of the norm, you'll find the great big world. It's a world that's waiting for you to step away from the ordinary band everyone else marches to, and march to the extraordinary beat of your own drum.  

Friday, October 8, 2010


    As you know, I purchased a Halloween pumpkin a few days ago. It was so beautiful the way it was that I almost hated carving it at all. Despite my feelings, it cried to me--wanting desperately to be appropriately decorated and shown off to my neighbors and other curious passersby.
    Then the big question was: What design do I use?
    The first thing I did was purchase a pumpkin carving kit. I tried to carve various things and scenes, but it didn't work. I thought I'd make a portrait of the babies, but my efforts grew more in vain with each stroke of the blade.
    Then, it suddenly dawned on me. Why does it have to be different? Why not just stick with the same face that's beloved for this time of year? So I chose it: the traditional jack-o-lantern face, and for this pumpkin it was a perfect and favorite choice.
    There are so many wonderful jack-o-lanterns with perfect designs that fit them, and I'm beyond impress with their unique displays unlike any other. But for this little pumpkin sitting in a lowly grocery store bin, it needed to be shown in its true form--face and all.
    And you know something: I think I made the right decision, don't you?

Thursday, October 7, 2010


     Yesterday, I was at the local community park a few blocks from my house, and the signs of autumn were everywhere. Leaves were in the first stages of changing, there was a nip in the air, and the woods appeared seasonably barren. Then, my eyes turned to one of my favorite Halloween-type things to see at this particular park. 
    There's a bridge over a wading creek in the park, and I just love the way it looks. The water flows under the bridge, down a rock waterfall, and into a huge pond that usually contains frogs and a few fish during springtime. It looks like your average bridge, but I call it "The Sleepy Hollow Bridge."
    And there's a reason. 
    With all the autumn leaves scattered everywhere and a light whistle of wind in the air, I can't help but envision Ichabod Crane escaping the Headless Horseman across the forbidden bridge of Sleepy Hollow. The actual bridge probably wasn't THIS small, but a guy can only dream, can't he?
    Let's see...Harvest moons, dry leaves decorating the ground, spiders and silky webs, and, now, The Sleepy Hollow Bridge. With all this spookiness I've noticed lately, I can help but wonder if Mother Nature's more excited about Halloween than I am.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


     Yesterday evening, this awesome wonder of nature took me totally by surprise. Somehow in the midst of my rosebuds dying out for the season was this big, beautiful bloom. Every other bud was dried up, every other one except this one. It was the last full bloom before the first official frost sat in.
     It was quite awesome, as though it reminded me of warmer weather, baseball games, and all the majestic wonders of nature that await me next spring. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


     I awoke early this morning, and it was just plain cold. It was also beautiful and "fallish", too. Fog overcast the Great Smoky Mountains in the distance. For the first time this season, I had to crank up heaters in both my vehicle and house. The "babies" were piled underneath the sheets with me, so needless to say I was purely paralyzed with puppy love--but it's okay.  
    Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, can cure a chilly day like a cup of Stephens Gourmet Cocoa--Peanut Butter Cup flavor--in my favorite mug. It's rich, creamy, and really hits the spot. Be sure to check out the Stephens Gourmet Cocoa website at
     Of course, I have to talk about my mug. It isn't an ordinary mug. It's a soup mug and the last gift my mom's sister (Aunt Jo) ever bought me before she died back in 2002. Not only does it give me a quick fix during the cold weather; but it wraps around me when the world itself becomes a little too cold, and it's one of my favorite things I'll treasure for the rest of my life.


Monday, October 4, 2010


     Earlier today, I got back from the store and purchased my first pumpkin of the Halloween season. My arms were full, so I had to sit the orange wonder down for a moment. When I went back to get it, a sudden epiphany came into play.
    I discovered the beautiful, orange pumpkin sat still among the dry, brown leaves. I gaped. It was gorgeous and somewhat breath-taking; so much vibrant life among the barren dead. 
    But this isn't the last anyone will see of this wonderful creation--not by a long shot.  Halloween will soon be here, and big plans await this masterpiece of nature. It will be carved with a unique design, filled with the fiery glow of candlelight, and displayed proudly for every kindred eye to see.