Friday, October 29, 2010


     I was in my local Target store yesterday running a few errands and took a picture with my camera phone of a sight that'll be with us for just a few more days: the Halloween aisle.
    When my sisters and I were kids, one of our favorite things to do was checking out the Halloween decorations as soon as they were displayed. They always possessed this certain aura of mysterious fun and wide-eyed wonder that was unlike any other. Of course, when we were kids, costumes weren't as elaborate as they are today. They were made of a sort of plastic-vinyl material, and the masks were plastic and held to your head via a rubber band. Still, they were wonderful, nonetheless. Do they still make those anymore? If they do, it's been a long time since I've seen one.
    Make a trip this weekend to your local superstore, and bask in the wonder of all things Halloween. They might be gone soon for the season, but they'll come back around before you know it and magically take us back to a simpler place in time.    


Dio said...

We were in Target last night looking for bloody fingers for Mr Dio's paper cutter at work and for one last black urn for my cemetery, and were bummed out to see that the Halloween section has already been condensed down to one aisle.

This season just goes by too fast - faster every year!

Happy Halloween to you!

J.E. Bolton said...

Happy Halloween to you, too, Dio; and good luck in finishing your cemetery! I'll bet it looks awesome.

Jeanne said...

There's nothing sadder than seeing Halloween goodies in the clearance aisle! 'Cause it means that Halloween is over...

{{But who doesn't love a good bargain?!} :0)

Happy Halloween!

J.E. Bolton said...

JEANNE: the way I see it is it gives us something to look forward to for next year. And I must also say, a good bargain is one of my favorite things! =-)...HAPPY HALLOWEEN to you, too!

dragonmamma said...

Dio: Bloody fingers in a paper cutter? What a great idea, I'm going to swipe that for next year! Do you have any Dollar Trees in your idea? Ours had bags of bloody fingers (for $1 of course).

Our Target Halloween stuff is also getting crowded out by the Christmas stuff and they're already playing the tinkly carols! There oughta be a law...

J.E. Bolton said...

DRAGONMAMMA: It was kinda wierd. I agree. The Christmas stuff was the next aisle over from the Halloween. I love Christmas, but mixing holidays is a little wierd for me. Thanks for the comment!