Wednesday, October 13, 2010


    One of my favorite things to do around this time of year is catching a glimpse of various outside Halloween decorations. Their eye-catching factors vary, from the basic jack-o-lantern--like I have--to the huge, inflatable creatures that proudly adorn front yards for all eyes to see. But I must say this particular one was indeed a first for my eager eyes.
    It's the entrance sign to a local corn maze. The contents that created this festive creature appear to be three bails of hay, wired tubing and a lot of festive, tender-loving care. 
    All I can say is the folks at Ballinger Farm, who took the time to create this ghoulish masterpiece can be proud, knowing they found a way to make spooky and happy come together in the most creative way possible. 


The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Aw...he's super cute! I love how they come with giant things to make from those hay clever! :o)

J.E. Bolton said...

WENDY: It's really tall and very eye-catching. I agree--very clever!