Monday, October 18, 2010


     Does anyone remember this blast from the past?

     This was so much fun listening to as I grew up. As a child, I was always somewhat of a loner, and my grandmother never allowed my school friends to visit. Therefore, I always depended upon my own creativity for entertainment. 
     It was Halloween, circa 1989-1990ish, and hanging on the rack of a local K-Mart was a horror cassette tape. I was intrigued by the "Parental Discretion Advised" and "not for the faint of heart" labels on the back card. Being someone who always loved Halloween, I purchased this $2.99 tape and took it home.
     I always waited until time for bed and listened to it. As any kid does, I put on my headphones under the covers, turned on my Walkman (for the young "whipper-snappers" of today and the decade impaired, it's a device that played cassette tapes...LOL), and heard the eerie narration play among the scary noises.
    The entire tape starts out with this eerie narrator taking your through a night in a haunted, ancient cemetery and then a spooky tour through an old haunted house. What was really fun is when it would start getting dark outside. I'd take my flashlight and trail through the woods with the eerie sounds blasting through my headphones.
     As childish as it may seem, I still listen to this tape, well...CD, now. It can be the middle of July and 100-degree weather and I'd still listen to it. Hey, God knows I've had my share of critics. They think it might seem childish for me to listen to such things as haunted house CD's and watch movies like "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown," but you want to know something? I really don't care!
     Let the critics laugh. Let the nay-sayers snarl their noses and say, "NAY". They might laugh and taunt us, kindred daydreamers. But in all reality, those same nay-sayers and critics secretly want to be just like us: carefree and forever in our own little worlds where the view's great, the water's fine, and the youthful heart never stops beating. 


dragonmamma said...

I don't remember it from my childhood, but I remember it from when my kids were little. (They're 19 and 22 now.) We practically wore it out from listening to it, and then it disappeared about 5 years ago. Every Halloween I've scanned the stores looking for it (hoping to find it on DVD rather than cassette) but no dice.

HOWEVER...just a few weeks ago I found out that somebody has it recorded on youtube, two parts for each side. My hubby performed a little magic to get it on our music library, and now it's part of my Halloween folder. It's just as good as I remembered it!

J.E. Bolton said...

DRAGONMAMMA: I found mine on Ebay. Check there or Thanks for the comment!

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Well, I think you are brave to listen to that while you are walking through the woods at night. I would probably have an anxiety attack if I tried to do something like that...ha!

And I'm with you 100%. We are just misunderstood that's all, and it's their loss, not ours. I am an introvert too, and I spent a lot of my time as a kid by myself also because my brother was almost 6 years older than I, and we lived on a road that didn't have many houses around yet, so there were no kids my age to hang with. I think there is benefit to that though, and like you, I learned to not only enjoy my 'alone' time, but I also made the most of my creativity and imagination. And again like you...I will always be young at heart, and proud of it. We are definitely kindred spirits my new Halloween friend! :o)

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, my new Halloween friend! Kudos, my autumn sister!