Wednesday, October 20, 2010


     Pretty neat, huh? 
     P.B.E. found these two precious gems of Halloween at an estate sale, and my mind instantly reeled. I found myself down memory lane and in a very good way. 
     There's a reason I call these two blow molds "gems" and not mere decorations. One of the wonderful things I remember as a child are the big, festive blow molds that stood proudly on front porches and in front of windows. They were my favorite Halloween decorations of my childhood years without contest. These blow molds also served as a beacon for eager trick-or-treaters on Halloween night. The rule in my old neighborhood was always this: the bigger the blow mold a household displayed was always a guarantee for better candy.
    I can't help but think about kids nowadays. As I often did, it's easy to take for granted anything familiar. And why not? Children think everything will keep going just as it is, because that's the beauty of childhood. To them, mommy and daddy will never grow old, and they'll never grow up.
   However, there's one good thing about becoming an adult; one technical loophole nature seemed to have missed. My beard might start showing signs of gray, and God knows I can't run and jump like I used to do. BUT, that doesn't stop me from getting excited over seeing blow molds, children playing in freshly-raked piles of leaves, listening to scary stories around a campfire, and carving pumpkins. The excitement I always felt never stopped, and perhaps it never will. we have to become adults? Always, but do we have to grow up? NEVER!



dragonmamma said...

I always get excited about Halloween displays. Whether it's an expensive show of vintage objects or low-budget paper pumpkins and ghosts from Walmart taped in someone's window, it all brings a smile to my face.

By the way, what does PBE stand for?

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks for the comment. "P.B.E." (no particular meaning) is the nickname of the one person in the entire world who completes the insanity within me, and means the world to me.

Jeanne said...

What a great find! Hubby found a 3 ft. blow-mold JOL last year at the flea market. We were both tickled!

Doesn't matter how many decorations a person puts up for a holiday. The Spirit behind them is still the same.

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Jeanne, for the info. Isn't it fun to find stuff like that?

Val said...

One's favorite things is a great idea for a blog. The simple things in life are indeed the best. 'Happy to have "met" you and to have added myself to your followers. :)


J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Val! Glad to have you aboard.

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Ahhh...great finds indeed! I never get lucky with stuff like that. I have a friend in Illinois who goes to estate sales all the time and find the most incredible vintage Halloween items. The luck just seems to be with him! And yes...may the others be as lucky as we are to retain joy and excitement over the little things, well into our adulthoods. I feel sad for those who can't seem to find any longer.