Wednesday, April 27, 2011


     When I was a child, pansies were always my favorite flower. I think it was because they were so easy to plant, not to mention the first flower my aunt taught me to plant. Even today, when I see a select few or a large group gathered in all their glory my breath is still taken away.
      In fact, I loved pansies so much that I gave them their own special name: monkey faces. I'm not sure why I'd give them such an unlikely name. Perhaps it had to do with the inner colors forming the face of a monkey. All I knew was every Spring, I'd ask my mom if we could plant monkey faces and she always agreed.
      And as far as my flower garden was concerned, the rest was history, as monkey faces showed up every year to bid me a warm, Springtime welcome.


Dio said...

FTG, I love the name "monkey faces"!
And I have respect now for pansies because they are so tough against the cold - first thing planted here and they last into the fall, if they can be nursed through the heat of summer.

Deborah said...

When I was a little girl, there was a tree in my yard that had perfectly round leaves. i imagined that on the back of each leaf was a silver dollar and that they all belonged to me. When my father would say "money doesn't grow on trees" I kept the secret to myself that yes it does. At least on my tree. Nothing like childhood memories! I love the "monkey faces". I will think of that when I plant my pansies this year :)

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Dio and Deborah! They are indeed special memories. Thank you both for sharing yours with me. And as always: I love it when my blogger buddies, such as you two, drop by.

Polly said...

I always have loved pansies too! They are just too pretty and colorful and I have never noticed, but they DO have monkey faces!! Thanks for a great post!

J.E. Bolton said...

Thank you so much for stopping by, Polly, and for your kind words!

Joy said...

Isn't it funny and innocent what children come up with? Pansies are the first flower I set out every spring. I have a container of them right outside my kitchen door and I can see them from inside. When I was a kid, my brothers and I called Box Elder bugs, 'Georgies'. We had named them after a man who worked at an ice cream shop--of course, he looked nothing like a Box Elder bug... but just a few weeks ago, I seen some of those bugs and shrieked, "Georgies!" Of course, none of this has anything to do with your pansies. Have a great day, FTG!

J.E. Bolton said...

JOY: Thanks for sharing! I laugh at my neices and nephews because of the things they come up with. Truth is: it's just part of life and growing up. I have a million stories!

Thanks again!