Saturday, January 3, 2015


Well, my favorite people, it's that time of year again: time to put away the Christmas ornaments and un-deck the halls, so they can get their beauty sleep. That way, they can properly make themselves known next Christmas and leave everyone in awe once again.

For the last couple years, The Favorite Things household decided to step outside the box and do candy colors instead of the traditional red and green. Not that there's anything wrong with red and green. I just like being a tad different.

The really good thing with finding the right color scheme for Christmas decorating, whether it be traditional or non-traditional, is being able to add on to it year after year. Things like that tend to make the holidays more special.

On the flipside, that's how it is with life in general. People come and go but tradition will always remain as long as we keep such things alive. Things of yesterday that bring a smile to our faces never truly go away. They only go away only if we choose them to be gone.

So until then, keep everything good alive in your hearts and lives: the traditions, the warmth of each season, and most of all, the love