Monday, May 9, 2011


     Oh, how I remember this song fondly!
     When I was a kid, it often reminded me of the Summer months. Even though there's a couple more songs I'll share with you, this one always told me what the tropics would be like. When I went to Florida for the first time a few years ago, it was pretty much dead-on, depending where you went.
     Also, I always thought the tune itself showed the real elegance and sophistication I always felt 80's music possessed. Now, without further adieu, here's Bertie Higgins singing, "KEY LARGO".


My Aimless Infatuation said...

Good one,brings back alot of memories for me too. I do love love music,I get teased all the time because in just about any situation it reminds me of a song. Guess I watched to many musicals growing up. Have a great day and keep a song in your heart.

J.E. Bolton said...

MY AIMLESS INFATUATION: Hello, my friend! You are not alone. Every part of my life is marked by some song of that era, so let them talk, my friend. It's jsut the creative side of us.

You asked me about what paper I write for. I used to write for the LaFollette Press, but now work on freelance projects and am in the process of finishing a book.

Thanks for stopping by, as always, and please come back soon!

My Aimless Infatuation said...

That's great! Guess who wants to know the moment that book is complete?......ME!

J.E. Bolton said...

Don't worry, dear blogger friend. I'll be turning cartwheels and squealing like some bald girl when it's done. LOL!