Wednesday, May 11, 2011


     As I've shared before, I'm a huge fan of big band music, especially of Glenn Miller. There's something about the music of that era that really takes away your worries and simply puts a song on your heart.
     When I worked as a hotel clerk years ago, this song came on one summer and it was special. It has that Summer vibe, where you can see in your mind many people of a community in the 1940's--aristocrats, perhaps--getting together in elegant gowns and men wearing tuxedos with top hats, dancing to this song under magnolia trees. See? I told ya I have a vivid imagination.
     Here's my favorite song of the summer #2: "INDIAN SUMMER" by The Glenn Miller Orchestra.



My Aimless Infatuation said...

I would love to snap my fingers and go back to this era. Not only was the music magical but I believe hearts were bigger and romance was still alive. All tho some would call me old (soon to be 61)I think I was born just a little later than I would have liked.....Guess I'm just a dreamer at heart. I do so enjoy your posts,thank you.

J.E. Bolton said...

MY AIMLESS INFATUATION: Thanks for stopping by. People can say we're old, but we're merely old souls. There's a difference.

Thanks for stopping by!

suzanne said...

There are many things about the 40's that I love, and big band music is definitely one of them!

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks for stopping by, HALLOWEEN SPIRIT, as always.

There was a 1940s/big band era nusic station that played in my area, and at 10 P.M. each night, they had a radio mystery theatre. I loved it, and missed it terribly when they cancelled the station.

Thanks again and come back soon.