Monday, March 31, 2014


As you know, from now until Easter, I will be discovering exciting ways to dye Easter eggs.

I was googling ways to dye eggs and ran across these natural colorings. Some look fascinating while others are...well...a pure challenge.

But I'm up for it. Dear God, help us all and the poor little eggs who will sacrifice their shells for the sake of my amusement.

And to the eggs I will experiment with: Little eggs, you will all be my Frankensteins in the hands of the Favorite Things Guy. As a blessing in hopes your outside shells really do turn out to be beautiful, I'll say this, in the words of Effie Trinket from THE HUNGER GAMES, "May the odds be forever in your favor."

Now, let's get cracking...NO PUN INTENDED! LOL!


jaz@octoberfarm said...

when you are done dying, make my curried egg salad! it is so good. i love dying eggs with natural ingredients!

J.E. Bolton said...

Hello, jaz@octoberfarm and thank you for stopping by. I am intrigued because this is my first attempt at this. Wish me luck and "hi" to Teddy for me. Such a cutie! =)