Saturday, May 14, 2011


EEK! The unthinkable happened. I've been something called "tagged"...LOL!
When you are "tagged", you have to tell ten (I was gonna do twenty-five, but there's just not that much to tell) things about yourself many probably don't know. Instead of doing the norm, I'm going to do it in this format. I hope you either enjoy it or find my life more fascinating than I do! goes:

#1. I was born on September 19, 1977 in LaFollette, Tennessee and named Jason Eugene Bolton.

#2. My parents are David (deceased), and my mother Judy is a nurse.

#3. I am the oldest of four kids.

#4. I am with someone who's 100% the love of my life.

#5. I share something in common with Stephen King and Joyce Carol Oates. We all three had the same first book editor.

#6. My political viewpoint is middle-of-the-road Independent. I am more conservative about certain issues than most, and I am more liberal about certain issues than most.

#7. I am a HUGE Disney/Mickey Mouse fan.

#8. For every birthday, my cake is always a birthday cake with a cartoon character theme.

#9. I love antique cars, the TV show "GLEE", and Diet Coke with Lime; and Autumn is my favorite season of the year.

AND #10. My favorite food is Thai.


Deborah said...

Yay! Now i know your're no longer just FTG! I can actually call you Jason :)

J.E. Bolton said...

By all means, Deborah. Thanks for stopping by. Just don't call me EUGENE. I got teased a lot when I was younger.

Long story...LOL