Saturday, October 19, 2019

My Cup Runneth Spooktacularly Over

Fall officially arrived in Tennessee a few days ago. The air is a crisp 60°, signs of fall are everywhere, and I pour a steaming cup of coffee with pumpkin spice creamer.

As most of you know I'm a huge Halloween fanatic. I literally count down the days and weeks until that Spooktacular time of the year comes in to play and everything comes out in full fallish fashion, especially the beautiful leaves.

And as always, I dragged out my favorite coffee cup and sit out on the front porch and watch all the beauty of autumn take place. It's good to know in a world full of things we can't change and hate and malice, there's always a nice cup of coffee and a front porch filled with two kittens who play with one another waiting for us.

Hopefully if they will cooperate I'll get to show you pictures of the two kittens who have now grown into a beautiful young cats. But like I said, if they cooperate. :-)

Stay tuned

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