Sunday, October 6, 2019


August 3, 2018: It was the last entry I made to this blog. It was about Halloween candy showing up around the first of the August month in stores.

Sometimes, we prodigal bloggers mean well. We truly do, but life sometimes gets in the way of our wanting to blog. Believe me when I say I think about this blog every single day of my life, especially when September of next year will mark its tenth anniversary. It's my baby,and the more I endure the hardships of life the more I also realize it's my saving grace.

And believe me when I say so much has changed. First of all, let's start with something simple, yet highly-favored. I wanted to show you awesome folks one of the first of many ornaments going up throughout this month. PBE had this for years and we hang it up as part of tradition. More decorations to come.

Where have I been? Well, let me tell you a few things: First of all, I got married last year. That within itself was awesome. We got married in a cave. Yes, my blogger friends, an actual cave but it was gorgeous!

Second of all, we are the proud parents of not only four dogs, but also a mother cat named Tom-Tom and her two babies from a litter of six: a black kitten named Onyx and a gray chubby kitten named Oopsie. I will show you pics of them later.

Third, and most unimportant, I died my beard. I'm 42 and fully gray. I look I rode in a haunted car. BUT...that's neither here nor there. Moving on...

I think the thing that happened recently that forever changed me was something tragic. Windy, one of my best friends, was found dead due to an apparent suicide. What's worse is a few years before she died we had a huge argument, and I told her I never wanted to speak to her again. When I learned of her death it forever changed me.

As of three weeks ago, I learned to forgive more and hate less. I went on a personal crusade to ask anyone I may have wronged, no matter how big or little, to forgive me. A couple were like, "mehhhhh..." and the rest welcomed me back with opened arms. I even got a couple apologies, which I didn't expect. To be honest, I felt entirely liberated and free.

I decided to focus on all-things that are favored by me, and to revived this blog. I have to. It's my home and the place I've resided for such a while now. Keep in mind: my posts may not be but one sentence long with a picture, but I will be more devoted to this blog even if that's the case. It's been my happy place for such a long time now, and I love reading your all's blogs as well. So, I hope you can stand more of me and welcome me back, like this pumpkin pic, for example. :)

But yes, dear friends. Love one another. Encourage one another. And most of all, never say anything you will eventually have to take back. I've finally learned that lesson, and it only took me 42 years.

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