Friday, September 10, 2010


This was the click that made this blog a reality.

     But why a website about virtually everything, but really about nothing?
     It's quite simple, my dear readers. The world needs plenty of this. As much as it says it doesn't, it cries for it every single day. It longs for something far greater than bills to pay, broken hearts, and tears no one will ever be able to wipe away.
     If nothing else, this blog is for me. 
     This blog will vary. Whatever strikes up nostalgia for me and brings a smile to my face, you'll read about it. Whatever makes me go, "OH, MY GOD! I HAVEN'T SEEN OR HEARD THAT IN AGES!", hopefully, you'll go with me. My life's not glamorous. It's too interesting for front-porch humor, yet too dull to be made into a reality show.
     For once, I'm being myself and that's all I can offer anyone, take it or leave it.
     Come along and let me know what you think. I welcome comments but always read each one before they're publically posted, so be nice. May we continued to be inspired by simplicity and never grow up. May we see a dime store jack-o-lantern or mall Santa and be taken back a few years to a simpler time. Most of all, may we never forget the things that make us who we are, and may we never forget where we've come from and the good things that have yet to come. 

     Okay, I guess I'm ready...
                          Let the journey begin!

I'm The Favorite Things Guy, alive and well. You be the same.


Leslie said...

thanks for adding me to your blogroll...

enjoyed reading the beginning of this happy little spot....

blue skies, beginning of fall, and things I love top that list as well..


J.E. Bolton said...

Thank you, Leslie! Keep enjoying the unsung finer things of life and so will I.