Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Somewhere deep within the recesses of a winter's evening is a sight that can only be see with the naked eye and appreciated by those who look outside the box of norm.

Deep oranges mixed with hints of cold lavender blend together to create the most gorgeous light show in the chilly January sky.

Is it the evening itself on fire? Or perhaps it's nothing more than several cauldrons of a thousand witches? Or maybe, just maybe it's the heart of the sky beating?

Either way, it's gorgeous, and that's the only thing we need to worry about tonight--not bills, not people, absolutely no event we can't change or stop. Simply the beauty of it all that makes us so glad to be alive.


beth said...

i couldn't agree more!!

Jeanne said...

So beautiful! Mother Nature has an amazing palette.

J.E. Bolton said...

She does, indeed, Jeanne!

J.E. Bolton said...

Me, too, Beth!