Friday, January 31, 2014


The other day, my neighbors decided to invest in a llama. Why a llama? I have no idea.

I decided to call her Tina, in lieu of the llama from the movie, NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. She doesn't eat ham, but loves to sneak a kiss on your forehead if you're not careful. However, she can be weird sometimes.

For instance.

When I don't feed her any veggies, she sticks her tongue out at me and let's out a raspberry (PBBBBBBT!). One day, I was afraid she'd spit on me, but she gave me a kiss...right on top of my bald head. And then wants to blow me kisses from a distance. No joke! It's wild.

She's a sweet girl, but man, does she have a lot to learn about human interaction. HA! HA! But, oh well. Who can blame her? She does have live next door to my nutty, crazy self, so I'll overlook her just this time. =)


Jeanne said...

You're braver than me! I would be so afraid she'd spit.

J.E. Bolton said...

Jeanne: I haven't seen her spit yet and always afraid she would eventually. I think she doesn't spit on me because I feed her veggies...hopefully, that's the reason. LOL!