Saturday, January 11, 2014


The one thing I love are old cemeteries. Call it creepy, or the macabre, or even just-plain weird but it is what it is.

This past Summer, I was walking along an old hiking trail when I came across an old cemetery along a partially-overgrown path. As I walked along and noticed headstones that dated all the way back to the early 1800s, one particular scene intrigued me. 
 I came across an old wooden bench, preferably for people who are paying their respects to sit down and reflect. Something about it stopped me, as I studied it carefully. I think it's appropriate to call it sheer irony, but it was definitely different. Two words were spray-painted with black paint along the side of the bench.


As a knee-jerk reaction, I couldn't believe anyone would vandalize such a sacred ground, but another part of me stopped and understood. LOVE LIFE. Why? 

Because none of us are promised another one. So, all-in-all, take time to smell the roses, taste every kind of food you can, and share a smile. Because when life's over, the only thing we can do is either thank the Good Lord we lived life to the best of our abilities and talents, or die with the regret we didn't live enough.


Jeanne said...

I believe the message on the bench was a word to the wise. Words we should all live by for the very reason you gave.
And there's nothing wrong with loving to visit cemeteries - nothing morbid or macabre. So much history can be gleaned from visiting and reading the tombstones in a cemetery.

J.E. Bolton said...

Jeanne: Thanks so much, and you are exactly right, my friend. =)