Thursday, December 30, 2010


RESOLUTION #1: I’m going to wake up every single morning and find at least one thing to be thankful for, and focus on that particular thing.

RESOLUTION #2: I’m going to lose the weight I’ve discussed time and time again. One of my fellow bloggers named Val has two separate blogs she authors. One of which is Be sure to check out her online progress. Her journey’s such an inspiration to all of us who battle our own weight issues. Kudos, Val, and keep up the great work! You look terrific…and I must say I’m growing insanely jealous (LOL) Just kidding ya, Val! =-).

RESOLUTION #3: I’ll never fail to let others know just how much I appreciate them, especially all my fellow bloggers out there who show the world every day that it may change, but they never will. I’m honored to be among you all in the World of Blog. You’ll never know how much a certain gentleman from East Tennessee became inspired by each and every one of you, and I‘m still inspired and constantly in awe by all your wonderful talents that make the world a much better place.

RESOLUTION #4: I’m going to stop worrying about things I cannot change, and try to focus on living instead of existing. Just because we breathe doesn’t mean we’re really living.

RESOLUTION #5: I’m going to start living true to my beliefs and love everyone regardless of differences. Many people believe in God, but where’s the compassion and love? If you can't love everyone without conditions the way we're supposed to, then what's the point in believing in God unless we live by His example? That example is loving and caring for others as we would ourselves. After all: isn't that what the real meaning behind this past holiday's all about?

RESOLUTION #6: I’m going to find a craft-related hobby on days when my career becomes my life. Hey…It can easily happen.

RESOLUTION #7: I’ll never fail to say “I love you” more. You never know when it might be the last words someone else hears.

RESOLUTION #8: I’m going to find a reason to laugh once a day. It helps to balance everything out.

RESOLUTION #9: I’m going to stop talking about living out life-long goals and just do them.

AND RESOLUTION #10: I‘m gonna wake up every morning thankful that I may not be where I want to be when it comes to certain areas of my life, but that only the best is yet to come.


suzanne said...

An admirable list. Happy New Year!

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Halloween Spirit. And I hope you realize you're among the bloggers I mentioned in resolution #3.

Have a wonderful New Year!

Jeanne said...

Yes, a most admirable list. One that we should all aspire to.
I have enjoyed my visits here in 2010 and look forward to more fun in 2011.
Happy New Year!

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Jeanne! I've enjoyed your blog as well, and I can't wait to read everyone's in 2011.

Happy New Year!

Val said...

Oh, wow, thank you so much! That's so kind and bighearted of you. :) And your resolutions seem to me things you're already good at--You seem to be one of those people who's truly living life and not just going through the motions. I'm sure you'll reach your goals all in good time. :) Thank you again for brightening my day, and happy new year to you. I've been sick and am just now starting to get caught up with everything. :) This was a nice start! :)



J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Val! I hope you're feeling much better. I've learned to live life regardless. I used to spend too much of my teenage and younger adult years biting my nails...and for what???? It's easier to live life instead of dreading whatever.

Nevertheless, keep up the awesome work and always remember: I'M INSANELY JEALOUS!!! LOL!

Thanks for the comment and have a wonderful 2011.

Val said...

You make me laugh. :) Thank you.