Saturday, February 5, 2011


     I was sitting in my living room watching television when, low and behold, I had an unexpected visitor curiously snooping around my front yard.
     My neighborhood has a few dogs and cats that come around just to say hi. Well, the more I looked at this little guy, he didn't appear to be a cat despite the pointy ears and the closer I looked he wasn't a dog. He's a fox.
     I was sorta taken aback, because I'd never seen a fox in person before. He was kinda cute and didn't hurt anyone. It surprised me the babies, who have built-in radar, didn't see this cute little critter and go into hysterics.
     But there he was, nonetheless, watching traffic and secretly plotting his next move. I walked outside to greet him, and he mysteriously ran away. Where was he going? Who was he going to see? The tortoise, the hare, the hound...maybe even Henny Penny. 
     The world may never know.


Jane said...

Arund here we see a lot of fox,they are plentiful. about two years ago, we had two who came up almost to our sliding back doors to feed on scraps.They were cute. Don't know why they stopped coming.Could be they moved in with henney penney? lol.Blessings jane

J.E. Bolton said...

JANE: That would be awesome if Henny Penny and the Fox finally got along. I'm always up for a happy ending! LOL
