Wednesday, February 23, 2011


   Yes, it’s official, dear friends! I've made it. This is my 100th blog entry, and I couldn't be happier.
     For the past few days, I've wracked my brain trying to come up with something special for this particular entry. I couldn’t get something really outstanding together in time...SO…nevertheless, I thought I‘d share this with you: nothing but the absolute, unadulterated truth from my heart.
     There are those who scoff at us bloggers. Some roll their eyes and assume what we do has no real merit. How do I know this about pessimistic scoffers toward the blogging world?
     It’s quite simple. I used to be one of them.
     Then, I saw blogs by my fellow bloggers and my eyes were opened to wonderful and new possibilities. There were holiday-oriented blogs, feel-good blogs, blogs about family, crafty blogs, and blogs that encourage everyone to love God, country and themselves in a way they could’ve never imagined. I grew very excited discovering such wonderful, creative places on the Internet. Since then, I've been proven VERY wrong, had eaten a generous helping of humble pie, and have fallen in love with blogs ever since.
     See, while my personal and spiritual lives were, and still are, tremendously blissful, my professional life grew daunting and crazy. I had no outlet and needed something to take myself out of reality and enter a realm that was all my own; a realm where anyone could come to my little corner of the world just as they were, sit a spell with their favorite steaming cup, and was grateful for their visit.
     Then, PBE and my sister-in-law gave me the idea to start blogging. A blog…but about what??? So I took a chance. From that moment on, a love story was created and The Favorite Things Guy was born.
     Since day one, I’ve enjoyed writing this blog. I’ve taken great pride being The Favorite Things Guy. So, I do consider this, my 100th blog entry a real accomplishment.
    And I have all you wonderful bloggers to thank. each one of you, in your own way, inspired me more than you'll ever know and I'm a better person for it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all.

     I am, as always and will forever be,
           The Favorite Things Guy


Jeanne said...

Congrats on the 100th post!! WooHoo!!
And thank you for sharing your little corner of the world with us. I always enjoy my visits here. :0)
Blogging has taken me around the world and given me insights to many things. I have met many wonderful people and made some very dear friends. I feel my Life has truly been enriched.

Sarah Sullivan said...

Congratulation on your 100th post...I think I am up to some crazy number LOL!! Found you through Jeannie!! Off to check out the rest of your fun blog!!
Happy Wednesday!
Sarah :)

J.E. Bolton said...

JEANNE: Thank you so much. It's bloggers like you that have inspired me. So, thank you, my dear blogger friend, for coming to this little world and for sharing your world with everyone.

Yes, I love blogging. I adore this blog, because it has been my virtual Prozac many times and has been a world the real world cannot alter or change.

J.E. Bolton said...

SARAH: Welcome aboard! I'm always happy to welcome new people, fellow bloggers like yourself, and all my wonderful visitors. I've checked out your blog, too. Keep up the excellent work you do, and visit my blog anytime. Thanks for the kind words.

Dio said...


Happy 100th post to you FTG, and thanks for having such a cheerful place to visit!
Your posts make me smile even on the days when I don't post a comment - you should give us some kind of poll about that.
"If you aren't leaving a comment, did you at least get a grin out of the page?"

Going to be a blogger myself, in a million years, but yours will be one of the blogs to give me the courage to take those baby steps someday.

Jane said...

Congratulations! So glad you decided to be a blogger,I always enjoy your post's. I also love blogging,sometimes I think too much! But I have found it to be a great experience. I have had some really good advice about my bread making adventure,and been helped so much. I am so greatful to all my fellow bloggers. And yes,you will always be our favorite things guy! Blessings jane

George The Lad said...

Hi thanks for your kind comments on George's blog ;)
Good to meet you, and congrants on your 100th post.
I started blogging as a way to put down what we get up to with George, like a diary, but it seams to have take its own course!
I now find myself finding other blogs to read, as in not dog blogs.
I can see yours will be one of them
Have a good Week, what's left of it
PS Yes of course a four-leaf clover brings good luck :)

J.E. Bolton said...

DIO: Thank you so much! I don't know. I read your comments and I'm thinking, "Now there's a blogger in the making!" You should blog. You'd be surprised how much about yourself you'll learn.

J.E. Bolton said...

George the Lad is an adorable blog! Thank you for sharing your little guy with the world. Also, welcome aboard! I'm honored to have you as a follower.

J.E. Bolton said...

JANE: As Blanche Devereaux said to a police officer on THE GOLDEN GIRLS, "My, My! You're words could charm the dew right off a honey suckle." LOL...Sorry. Big Golden Girls fan.

You're words are very kind and I'm happy you've tackled bread making. I've always wanted to do that, but felt I'd never do it right or have the patience. I love fresh-baked bread. Nothing like it.

Thanks again!

Val said...

I love "Golden Girls" too. :)

CONGRATS on your 100th post! :)

J.E. Bolton said...

VAL: Isn't GOLDEN GIRLS timeless and so very funny? You don't find comedies like that anymore. They were the ones who introduced me to cheesecake and The Glenn Miller Orchestra.

Thanks for stopping by.

dragonmamma said...

That's lots of writing! You made me realize I had no idea how many posts I've written, so I had to look it up: 45. I've got a ways to go to catch up with you. Lately I've been pretty lazy and have been posting about once a week.

J.E. Bolton said...

Hey, Dragonmamma! Thank you for stopping by, as always. I just want you to keep up the great work. I absolutely love your blog and the theme you've got going on right now. VERY INTRIGUING!

Joy said...

Congrats on your 100 post! (I'm near my 500th). Found you by way of Santa and Minnie, will take a look around. I love the Golden Girls too. My dear Mom loved them (she has passed away), but we used to watch the show together and laugh and laugh. Oh, wait, this isn't about the Golden Girls, it's about your 100th post! Glad you have joined us other bloggers! Have a great weekend!

J.E. Bolton said...

JOY: Thank you so much for stopping by. 500th, huh? WOW! That's awesome. I hope I make it to 500. Keep up the great work.'s cool about Golden Girls. What's really sad is you don't find anything like that on television anymore. Shows like that knew how to make people laugh. I'm seriously thinking about doing a post about my favorite old sitcoms. Thank God for reruns.

Thanks for stopping by. Stop back anytime.

Joy said...

Hey,do the post on your fave old sitcoms, I'm sure you'll find many who also loved them. I'll be looking for that post! Nothing like good memories! We tune into Andy of Mayberry once in awhile, Barney was so believeable in his role. (Whoops--you might be a little young for that one!)

Joy said...

Oh, just had a thought, I think you can watch some of those old shows on TVLand, I think that's the site for viewing TV shows. In fact, I'm headed over there right now...

J.E. Bolton said...

JOY: Are you kidding? I LOVE The Andy Griffith Show! My favorite episode was the pickle competition. Remember Aunt Bee and her kerosene cucumbers? LOL.

A lot of my favorites were alos those of the 80s: The Golden Girls, etc. Those were such classics.

Thanks for the idea! I can't pay you since we do this for free, but I can offer you a big cyber hug and a piping-hot cup of cherry tea for the idea! Keep up the great work.