Saturday, February 12, 2011


     Before I begin, I must thank someone who thought along the same lines as me.
     One of my fellow bloggers named JANE (you can check out her wonderful blog, "COUNTRY BUMPKIN JANE" by clicking HERE .) had exactly the same idea I had. Jane, I cannot share royalties with you since we do this for free, but I can offer a big THANK YOU for having the same idea I had.
     In a previous post,  Jane commented on receiving Valentines at her school when she was a child. Ironically, I was going through an old wooden box I've got several blasts from my pasts in and found these two Valentines I gave as a child. The first card was a standard, dime store card, but do you remember the second one?
    As a child, I remember fondly going to the local store and seeing rows upon rows of wonderful greetings. They had G.I. Joe, Barbie (which was mainly for the girls), Transformers, NBA player Valentines, Care Bears, Holly Hobby, and the list goes on forever. I always loved taking a box home and tearing the cellophane wrapping. All the greetings would pour out and the fun would begin.
     I loved this tradition so much that I gave them to everyone: classmates, teachers, people I attended church with, etc. It was always just a wonderful way to get into the spirit of the season, and something I'll never forget.
     Perhaps that's why I carry such things into my adulthood. There are so many worries and woes when a person reaches adulthood: trying the survive in an economy with a highly-questionable future, and a time that seems to only get worse. I know we're supposed to move ahead with the times, but there's some things that'll never change with me. 
    Yes, I still love the old Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny cartoons, watching kites fly in Spring's cobalt-blue sky, and playing in the snow with the "babies". I love those things, my dear friends and always will. 
    See, my motto in regards to dealing with all-things uncontrollable is quite simple. As my Great Aunt Sara used to say: "The Good Lord blessed me with such things, and I'm gonna enjoy every one of them!"
    And you know what? I have been ever since and wouldn't have it any other way.  


Jane said...

Thank you,favorite things guy,for the plug,more than enough payment lol! Yes I have to admit I still love those cards too. Blessings jane

J.E. Bolton said...

Not a problem at all, Jane! MOre than glad to do it.

Also, do they still make those type of cards anymore? I also forgot they always had a couple card for teachers, too. Remember? Thanks for stopping by, as always, and for the shared idea!

Jane said...

Not sure if they still make them or not,but I'm pretty sure they make something similiar. Thanks again. Blessings jane

J.E. Bolton said...

JANE: They were classic! Thanks for sharing.