Saturday, March 26, 2011


     This past week, I visited the town of Lyword to check on Miss Catherine and her rose garden.
     Remember Miss Catherine? She owns the Emerald Isle Bed & Breakfast. And let me tell you: the food, fun and stories at the annual St. Patrick's Day dinner were absolutely wonderful!
     I was all-too curious as to how her roses were holding up, despite the chilly weather. As you can tell by the picture, they're still blooming nicely. The really neat thing is her entire backyard is covered with so many roses that you can even smell a hint of them when you walk outside.
    We sat in her den, and she told me and two of Lywords other citizens, who visited with her the same time as I did, that every last Tuesday of the month she hosts a community tea time. It's a way for new friends to connect and for old friends to reconnect. Miss Catherine also said if the weather is warm enough, tea time usually takes place in the backyard among her prize-winning roses.
     I'm kind of excited. I've never been to a community tea time. In fact, I had no idea places still did that, especially since we live in a world where most people go into hysterics if their cell phone goes haywire or the Internet stops working for ten minutes.
     For Wednesday's entry, I'll give you a complete report on community tea time in the town of Lymword.


Jane said...

The roses are just beautiful! I bet that's a sweet little town,have a great time at the tea. Blessings jane

George The Lad said...

That sounds like a great thing to do, I look forward to reading your report, hope every one attending turns off their cell phones!
Have a good week
Jan and George xxx

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Jane, and Jan and George! I intend to. Sounds like a lot of tranquil fun.

Joy said...

Beautiful roses! That little lady sounds like a great gal! What a fun idea, I bet she has lots of friends. Looking forward to the Tea Time Report. Hope she has some yummy goodies... I'm kind of in a sugar mode at the moment. Will you be blessing us with more photos of her garden? The attendees? The food?

J.E. Bolton said...

Hi, Joy! Thanks for dropping by. I promise to supply you guys and gals with pictures of the tea time and offer a full report. I hope they'll have raspberry tea. I LOVE that kind of tea.

Deborah said...

Looks like you changed up your blog! Very nice! :) Community tea time sounds awesome! Can't wait to hear your report. Have a great day!