Monday, March 14, 2011


     There are those who wondered where I went during my week-long hiatus. Well...without further adieu, here's your answer.
     For the past week, I discovered the beautiful, Americana-type town of  Lymword: a small, secluded Parrish close where I live with a population of maybe a few hundred. The funny thing is I've lived a few minutes from the town for only the past few years, but I've never noticed this little slice of Heaven before. I haven't told many people about it, because not many know exactly where it is...or so they think.     
     The news in Lymword isn't noteworthy to the ears of critics, except for those who long for a simpler time. For instance: Miss Snodderly, who owns the local bakery (you've got to try a slice of her famous apple pie), told me the town council finally replaced the old sign that was rusting with age and becoming too hard to read. And trust me: I'll be by there within the next day or two. They're getting store windows ready for St. Patrick's Day, and I hear it's really something to see.
     Each time I go back, I'll bring you along with me via this blog. And once you'll visit for the first time, I'll doubt you'll want to leave.  


Jane said...

Sounds like a nice little town,can't wait to visit. I like scenic old world ways better than today's world,too much mindless rushing around. I am anxiously waiting for spring. Blessings jane

Deborah said...

That town sounds so charming! It's amazing how we sometimes don't see the treasures that are right in our own backyard! I am looking forward to reading about your future visits :)

My Aimless Infatuation said...

Sounds like somewhere I would love to visit. My favorite places are off the beaten path. Have a great week.

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, everyone! If you think for a moment, you'll know exactly where it is. But yes...I'll gladly take you along for the ride.

Thanks again!

Joy said...

Looking forward to your pics... and just think, you didn't have to rob a bank to fill up your gas tank for the trip!

J.E. Bolton said...

LOL....very true, Joy!

suzanne said...

Sounds lovely. And so close by . . . :)