Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Once again, it seems as though Mother Nature has showered us once again with cold, white flakes in the Eastern Tennessee region. Grant it, I'd love for it to be Autumn all year long but can always make an exception when it comes to the serene hills of the Appalachia to be draped in white beauty.

As I was taking pictures with my camera, I noticed a bird--a brown, orange-beaked cardinal sitting so very still on the metal fencing connected to wooden fence posts.

Then, for a split second, my hunger for Autumn wavered, but only for a moment. The wind whistled gently, and there didn't seem to be any problems with the world. It was just me, winter's wonder, and a sweet little cardinal who decided to spend part of his busy day enjoying it all with me.

What could be any better than that?


Jeanne said...

I love how the world looks so fresh and peaceful and magickal when under a fresh blanket of snow. And to share with Ms. Cardinal....What a lovely moment!
Alas!I do miss seeing the cardinals. And the goldfinches. Such lovely birds and Colorado is so out of their area code!
Stay warm! Stay safe!

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Jeanne! You do the same. =)

Unknown said...

I'm with you Jeanne! Literally! Out here in Colorado! As for you, sir... I love the way you write and love how you think and feel! Take care!

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Dru, my friend! You are an awesome writer yourself. Keep it up. =)