Thursday, November 4, 2010


     The leaves have fallen, and the Autumn colors are at their fullest. As you know, the birthstone for the month of November is topaz; the beautiful yellow stone.
    And "why", you might ask? Legend says the topaz enhances spiritual rejuvenation and invokes happiness into the soul of mankind. 
    Some century-old legends make you wonder if they either possess true merit or if they're nothing more than tall tales spun for the generations to come. But when I see the rich topaz colors of autumn scattered all over the ground and hanging loosely in trees, an involuntary smile forms across my face and I understand this legend is true, indeed.


The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Ahh....if only I had some topaz leaves to look at, rake up, jump in! Definitely another thing for you to be thankful for! Lucky you! :o)

J.E. Bolton said...

WENDY: I live in East Tennessee near the Smoky Mountains region. leaves are so beautiful this time of year.

I hope my pictures can at least give those who aren't near any colored leaves a little bit of an autumn experience.

THANKS, my autumn kindred!