Friday, November 19, 2010


     No, I'm not necessarily referring to the book and/or movie, but these three things are indeed next on my thankful things list: eat, pray, and love. 

    EAT: The one thing we love to do in our household around summertime is pick fresh fruits and vegetables at various vending stands. When I was a child, my grandparents had a garden, and I loved picking fresh fruits and vegetables, especially blackberries and grapes from off the vine. They were bitter, but OH, so good! That was one of the few things in my childhood that not only made me feel a sense of accomplishment, but also rang in the news that summer was officially here.
    There was a time I lost everything and didn't have food in my pantry. I'm thankful for having a job, as well as a few bucks in the bank. I'm not monetarily wealthy, but I'm thankful never having to "want" for any need.
     PRAY: I know anything involving religion is such a touchy subject anymore, but I've learned to never get caught up in how others do and don't believe and to only focus on what I believe. My favorite Bible verse is one that I believe is evidence of possessing a true belief in God: Hebrews 13:1 (Let brotherly love continue). I'm thankful I don't believe in God the way a lot of others do. There are some who believe God's looking down from heaven with a bolt of lightning, waiting to strike down anyone who isn't perfect.
    My belief in God doesn't waver, by any means. God does want believers to live as close as we possibly can, BUT I'm thankful I believe God understands us more than we give Him credit for. I'm thankful God loves everyone despite differences,  personalities, personal preferences, and, most of all, the self-righteousness and prejudices of others. Despite whether we all believe the exact same thing (which will never happen), or whether anyone else believes in God; He wants us all, believer or not, to love everyone without conditions or exceptions.
    And LOVE: I'm thankful for love. There are people who go through life without a single person telling them they're loved. I'm so thankful I hear it every single day from the most precious person in the world and various loved ones in my life. I'm thankful the babies "tell" me they love me every time they cover me with kisses and sit contently in my lap. 

    Yes, my friends, I'm thankful for all these things. But out of all these I'm thankful for love most of all. Because I've learned in my semi-advanced age when you have love, you have everything.

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