Thursday, January 13, 2011


     If you're a blogger, this has happened to you: you're blog is set a certain way--kind, collective, a personal sanctuary attempted to make a tranquil, nostalgic  place on the World Wide Web...that is, until the unthinkable happens that threatens the very livelihood the tranquility you have going on in your little corner of the virtual world.
     We were watching the news the other day and something really sat hard with me. It was about people, who were suppose to represent love and light, offering threats to show public displays of hate. I'm not going mention the group by name, but needless to say these people were less about love than quacking makes me a duck.
     I was angry. In fact, let me take that back. I was IRATE! My mind raced with all the anger I had toward these people, and I actually made a bee-line toward the computer ready to blog about it. I knew all you guys and gals would understand my plight and know that even The Favorite Things Guy is allowed a rant every now and then.
     I was about to make my case known, then I stopped. I stopped because it was then I understood if I allow these people to get to me so bad that it changes something I enjoy and hold dear, then they've won and I'd sink to their level. If I allowed that to happen, then I'd be no better than they are. 
     I love my little world; a world where the biggest news makers of the day are the pink hues of a setting sun and the lavendar hues given off by the evening snow. It's a little world where The Glenn Miller Band reigns consistently at the top of my Billboard chart, carving Jack-O-Lanterns and admiring the Christmas tree from my favorite chair are exhilarating past times, and where being in the timeless, unforgettable presence of family and friends gives me world peace.
    Yes, dear friends, hate will go on, as will ignorance, pride and all those other things that have hurt our very existence time and time again. Yes, these things may change, but I'm glad to know they'll never change me. 


Dio said...


Those people ( if my assumption of who you are referring to is correct ) tried to come here a few weeks ago, and love from an unexpected source stopped them in their tracks, as it has just done again in the last few days.
They know they are inciting anger and are blinded to the demon that is using them; disguise is that demon's talent, as it has been through centuries of atrocities committed in the name of God.

Love in your heart is the only weapon that can stop any of it, although I am so far from Christ-like that it's best I just stay in my cave and let the bikers handle the heavy work.

You're a good guy with a big heart, obviously, and overcoming your initial knee-jerk reaction of anger shows a lot of insight.
If you ever do decide to "rant" here, I'll bet it will be a well-though out one and I won't mind it one bit.

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Dio. And yes, it's that particular group. It's just that the way they like to sue everyone, I was afraid to use names. But, yeah...THAT's the group we're all thinking about.

Here's the deal: So what if we all don't agree? I'm of the Christian faith but I have friends who are of various belief backgrounds: Christian/Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Wiccan, Jehovah's Witness and even those who are Atheists. And you know what? I love these people just as they are and wouldn't change a thing about them, and the feeling's very mutual in their views of me.

The way I see it is I'm not friends with these people because of how they believe. I'm friends with these people in regards to who they are as people, and it just "irked" me to no end when this group was protesting out of hate. HOW PATHITIC AND ALL-AROUND IDIOTIC these protesters are! And yes, I'm exercising my first ammendment rights! FREEDOM OF SPEECH! =-)

Anyway...thanks for the kind words and the understanding!

dragonmamma said...

I'm blissfully ignorant of the news item you're referring to, but I can imagine.

On the brighter side of things...I finally realized that when I go to the dashboard for my blog, it shows when other bloggers (such as yourself) have a new post. It's right there in plain sight, but I tend to have tunnel-vision when I'm on the computer. Now I know!

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Well I don't actually know who you are referencing in this post unfortunately, as I rarely catch the news unless it's on my homepage. And maybe it was and I just missed it. But that's a big peeve of mine too...people who practice hate and intolerance under the guise of love.

I am also a free thinker when it comes to spirituality and religion. I have my main belief system...but it always has a door left open for other views and philosophies of which I try to then incorporate what makes sense to my mind and heart and discard that which doesn't. I don't view the world as black and white, nor do I like to judge because it's not my place. I try my best to operate out of love and light!

And you are right not to let the injustices of the world get you down. Sadly, there are so many, and we'd all drown under their weight if we allow ourselves to. Stay positive my friend and keep on letting 'that lil' light' of yours shine! :o)

PS..."This Little Light of Mine", one of my favorite childhood songs from Sunday school...ha!

J.E. Bolton said...

DRAGONMAMMA: Thanks for the comment. I try to be oblivious to the news, because there's so much bad news out there. All I can say is thank God for blogs like yours and my other blogger friends. It's bloggers like you guys that make my day so much brighter with your good news.

J.E. Bolton said...

WENDY: My dear kindred and friend, thank you for being you. If you're not sure who I'm referring to, I have four words: FUNERAL PROTESTERS IN TUCSON. Yeah...those yahoos!

Keep shining your little light and take care. Like I told Dragonmamma, thank God for bloggers like you. I enjoy each and every one of your blogs and am proud to follow each of them.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for just being your original, wonderful selves!

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Hey...okay, I went and looked it up. And I realized that it was the same people who were threatening to picket at Elizabeth Edwards funeral I think. That really is a shame, not to mention a complete abomination of the 'faith' they claim to have. So sorry for the victims and the families! :o(

J.E. Bolton said...

WENDY: Thanks again for another comment. It is sad, and what are their reasons for acting like idiots? And you're right: faith they "claim" to have. These people are nothing more than a cult, and I can't believe our own government says their protected under the U.S. Constitution. They're extremists who protest the funerals of fallen soldiers, YET they're not considered enemies of the state. I don't get that one.

Anyway...thanks for the comment, my friend and have a wonderful day.