Wednesday, January 26, 2011


     I was bound and determined...In fact, I SWORE to myself I'd never open this can of worms. However, when the can spills everywhere and you can't help but focus on it, then it's going to come out sooner or later. Keep in mind, what I'm about to say is not meant to offend anyone or start any arguements. This is purely from my point of view, and not intended for anyone to take to heart.
     So, here goes...
     By now, everyone's heard the rumor Doomsday's supposedly going to take place on December 21, 2012. But that's not the only date I've heard that's supposed to be the end of mankind and civilization. I've also heard May 21, 2011 and I've even heard Christmas Day, 2012. The list goes on and on.
     I'm not going to indulge my opinion in regards to when and how I think the world will end. That's unimportant. What is important is that people are taking these claims to heart and giving up on life. Some people have quit their jobs and left their families, while others have an underground living facility that will prevent them from any sudden Apocalypse. To be completely honest, to each his or her own, but that's ridiculous.
     If I believed my life would be over within a matter of months or a year, I'd spend the last year of my life living instead of hiding in some underground sanctuary or biting my nails, waiting nervously for death to come get me. If I'm going to go anyway, why not go out in style?
     If you're going to sell everything, why not take a cruise or go to the beach? Why not donate the money to some charity or spend each day with those you love? In fact, since none of us are even promised tomorrow, why not live each day with an attitude of gratitude?
    There's so many things to enjoy in the now: walks along the beach, feeling the warm sun on your face, watching the soft hues of an evening snowfall, and the list goes on and on. 
    Who knows? We may not be here come 2012, Christmas Day, the Fourth of July, or whenever. I don't know the answer to that one...BUT, dear friends, just remember: If you live like you're dying, then you're really living. If you're sitting around waiting for death to come get you, then you're good as dead.
    And I don't know about you, but I'd rather live in the now instead of dying out to the future and wondering what might've been.
    It's just a thought.


("RAYS ON THE MEADOW" Photo by, with the status rights to this photo as public domain. Per agreement for using this photograph, the credits can be found by clicking HERE.)     


Jeanne said...

I couldn't agree with you more! :0)
Life is far too short to be wondering about the "what if".....

Jane said...

No offence taken! You have the right idea,as you said none of us are promised tommorrow. So enjoy this day, it could be your last. Blessings jane

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Jeanne and Jane for stopping by, as always. Yes...Life's way too short. Why sit in a corner waiting for death and call it living? That's really sad some people do that. I personally do not believe in the 2012 theory, but for those who do: why wait for death? Live in the now. In fact, it's a rule we all can live by.

Thanks for dropping by!

Dio said...

No one knows what day their own life will end, much less when the whole world will - you're absolutely right about living each day to it's fullest.

And I don't think I would do much differently if I knew when I would die. I like my days - I would probably talk to all of my kids even more than I do now, so would have to get unlimited text on my phone plan!

And if any of your commenters here are planning on relieving themselves of that burdensome money in their bank accounts before "the big day", I have my eye on a really nice Canon T2i camera and promise to record the day for them if they send it to me in the form of a cashiers check.
Or Paypal would work.
Enough for the wide-angle lens, too, and I can really do them justice!

I'm glad you broke your promise to yourself to leave this issue alone...

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Dio! Will keep that in mind.