Saturday, January 22, 2011


       A wise man once said, "Good things take time to happen, but great things happen all at once."
     A few evenings ago, I ran out to my vehicle to get something. The skies were cloudy and mundane, yet there was something about the scenery that intrigued me. As I always do when a great thing develops without warning, I went to my desk and grabbed my camera. I'm not like most people. I believe everything has beauty in it, even crooked trees that have yet to possess colorful leaves in every hue imaginable.
     These pictures were taken, and I couldn't wait to see them. They were downloaded and my breath was taken away. Everything "the norm" would classify as ugly and disturbing at that moment in time suddenly became peaceful beauty and a mysteriously enchanting sight for sore eyes.


Jeanne said...

Very cool! Especially the pic on the left. But then I have a real fondness for any season.

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Jeanne! It was so beautiful that I couldn't help but take some pictures of what I saw.