Saturday, January 15, 2011


     Before I begin today's blog entry, I want to thank all of you for making my first FUNNY FOTO FRIDAY a success with your tremendous feedback. Check out next Friday for another hilarious entry.

     Now, on with today's entry...

     I was out-and-about one day last week taking pictures for my blog, and this photo was taken by accident. I was trying to get the flash to work just right on my camera and ended up taking this photo by mistake. At first, I thought about deleting it, but the more I stared at it the more I really liked it.
     It's kind of mysterious, isn't it? It's dark and unknown, the road seemingly leads nowhere, and the trees are barren. However, this image is nothing short of breathtaking and possesses a certain tranquil beauty that's hard to find. 
     Perhaps my error wasn't a mere fluke, dear friends. instead, we'll just say Mother Nature gave us one of her best displays of wonder and intrigue that can be summed up in two words: ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!


Jeanne said...

I'm glad you didn't erase the photo. It really is quite mysterious and intriguing.

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Jeanne for your wonderful comment. When you look at this photo, you can almost hear the announcer from "Tales From The Darkside" or something of that nature...LOL.

Have a wonderful day!

dragonmamma said...

Nice mistake! Mine usually involve blurry close-ups of my foot.

(I posted the recipe for the pumpkin enchiladas under your last comment on my blog.)

J.E. Bolton said...

Thanks, Dragonmamma!